Press Statement, 16 March 2017
Hundreds of NUM members at Arnot, Duvha and Komati Power Stations to handover memorandum's of their grievances today.
The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) members in Highveld Region will be submitting memorandum's of their grievances to the following Power Stations today the 16th March 2016,namely Arnot,Komati and Duvha,The decision to submit the memorandum's was taken by NUM members at those Power Stations during their mass meetings yesterday..
The NUM members are vehemently opposed to Eskom board decision close down five power stations to accommodate of IPP's. They feel that the decision to close down those power station will lead to massive retrenchments in both the Energy and Coal sector. The NUM members in the above mentioned power stations will be demonstrating to Eskom and government that there's nothing about them without them. The NUM members are calling for such a decision to be reversed with immediate effect.
The submission of the memorandum's will happen as follows:
. Arnot Power Station handover of the memorandum will happen at 6 am, Duvha Power Station at 7 am and Komati Power Sation at 12:30 pm.
For more information, please contact:
Stanley Lebelo: NUM Highveld Regional Secretary: 082 933 7586
Livhuwani Mammburu: NUM National Spokesperson: 083 809 3257
The National Union of Mineworkers
7 Rissik Street.
Cnr Frederick Johannesburg
Tel: 011 377 2111 Cell: 083 809 3257
Twitter: @Num_Media
Get In Touch
Address: 7 Rissik Street, Johannesburg
Contact Person: Thenji Phoko
Fax: 018 464-1593
Telephone: 011 377 2198/9
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