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Join media alert by the three trade unions in the Eskom 2023 wage negotiations

Join media alert by the three trade unions in the Eskom 2023 wage negotiations

The three trade unions organising in Eskom, namely the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), the National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) and Solidarity would convene a press conference to update on progress made so far with regard to wage negotiations with power utility, Eskom.

The briefing is planned as followed:

Date:         Friday 21 April 2023

Time:         13h00

Venue:      Cedar Woods Conference Centre

Members of the media are hereby invited to the briefing to be conducted by Chief Negotiators of the three trade unions,

For more detailed information, please contact:

Livhuwani Mammburu, NUM National Spokesperson, 083 809 3257

Phakamile Hlubi-Majola, NUMSA National Spokesperson, 083 376 7725

Luphert Chilwane, NUM Media Officer, 083 809 3255

The National Union of Mineworkers
7 Rissik Street.
Cnr Frederick Johannesburg
Tel: 011 377 2111 Cell: 083 809 3257
Twitter: @Num_Media



Get In Touch

Address: 7 Rissik Street, Johannesburg

Contact Person: Thenji Phoko


Fax: 018 464-1593

Telephone: 011 377 2198/9


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