NUM Press Statement, 07 May 2017
NUM 1st education summit declaration
We NUM the advanced detachment of the proletariat, the true motive forces of the national democratic revolution met at the Elijah Barayi Memorial Training Centre on the 03rd to the 5th of May 2017 in Gauteng, under the theme "Repositioning our Education and Training Programmes in line with Transformational agenda".
Our Summit takes place at a time when South Africa's economy has been downgraded to a junk status. Recent challenges facing our economy will have a direct and severe impact on the mining energy and construction industry. We have marked 23 years since the 1994 democratic breakthrough. The democratic breakthrough which has come as results of the victorious fight and resistance of the South African people against the murderers Apartheid government. As workers, we have made significant gains since 1994 but a lot needs to be done in fundamentally changing the relations of production within both the mining, energy and construction sector.
The NUM 1st Summit Education was privileged to be addressed by the SACP comrade Solly Mapaila 2nd Deputy General Secretary who challenged workers to create a Workers University that would respond to the economic challenges facing our country. Comrade Gino Govender the former Education and Training Unit Head of the NUM also gave the historical background of the NUM Education.
The Summit was characterised by the vibrant policy debate aimed at developing strategies to unite the working class. In responding to the current challenges as an attempt to sustain a 34-year programme to eradicate illiteracy in particular to the NUM members. The Summit further developed a clear programme of the next ten years.
Over the years our education programme played an important role in giving the correct ideological training to our members. Thus the NUM has never been and will never be workerist narrow organisation. NUM has never produced armchair revolutionaries but produced the best and incorruptible leaders who have and still playing a fundamental role in build South Africa.
The Summit focus on the following:
On stakeholder relations with the NUM
•To strengthen our relations the current stakeholders and continue to add more with a view to having a mutual relationship at all times.
•Amongst but not limited to have a strategic relationship with the Higher Education and Training in pursuance of free and quality Education for the poor. NUM to continue in playing a meaningful role and assist and SETAs to execute their strategic mandate in skills development and Education.
•To create more skills centres to develop more artisans.
•To engage institutions of Higher learning to broaden their access and to address the challenges facing the Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL).
On Economic Development
•The Summit has identified the key structural features of the South African Economy. South Africa's capitalism and its production relations have the reason for the high levels of unemployment, inequality and poverty.
•The mineral resources should benefit our communities through beneficiation and industrialisation. This will unlock more job opportunities for sustainable livelihoods.
The summit has resolved that Elijah Barayi College should to offer a fully accredited course on the political economy.
•The organisations must be at the forefront in making sure they promote and encourage sustainable strategies like Employee Stock Ownership Plan (ESOP), which can and will play a pivotal role in South Africa’s socio-economic development objectives and ensure it remains as one of the Government’s strategic tools for the economic liberation. Furthermore, this is advocated in the provision of EBDE (Economic and Business Development on the Expropriation Bill, to influence the Section 52, regulated by Section 46 (e), 5.1 MPRDA as strategy and mechanism to promote ongoing discussions between worker representatives and employers about the future of the mine. NUM is, therefore, taking the lead to ensure the word “Sustainable development” which means the integration of social, economic and environmental factors into planning, implementation and decision-making to ensure that the mineral and petroleum resources development serves present and future generations are outshined and live on.
It must be also noted that the benefit of ESOP is that companies can use ESOPs for a variety of purposes. Contrary to the impression one can get from media, ESOPs are almost never used to save troubled companies—only at most a handful of such plans are set up each year. Instead, ESOPs are most commonly used to provide a market for the shares of departing owners of successful closely held companies, to motivate and reward employees, or to take advantage of incentives to borrow money for acquiring new assets. In almost every case, ESOPs are a contribution to the employee, not an employee purchase.
The economy is sustainable by encouraging members to buy into the ESOP strategy as one of the mechanisms to influence the MPRDA Section 52 provisions.
The summit reiterated that NUM college will remain the most effective instrument for building capacity and increasing efficiency for NUM members in all companies where we are organising in promoting the word “Radical Transformation which is sustainability” to liberate our fellow South Africans at large.
For more information please contact:
Sabelo Mgotywa: NUM Acting Education Secretary: 083 678 2557/076 022 1756
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Cnr Frederick Johannesburg
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