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NUM Kimberley region is disgusted by the arrogant behaviour displayed by Four Arrows Mining and Engineering Company

Media Statement 10 September 2023

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Kimberley Region is highly disgusted and disappointed by the unilateral decision taken by the Four Arrows Mining and Engineering Company in Northern Cape to drop tons of production of Bank Cubic Meter (BCMs) from 1100 million to
750 thousand.

The Four Arrows Mining and Engineering Company operates at two different mines, the United Manganese of Kalahari (UMK) and the Kudumane Manganese Resources (KMR).

This company’s greedy and unfortunate decision will impact heavily the pockets of about 1,000 employees. The dropping of BCMs is happening only at UMK mine, however, Four Arrows Mining decided to implement the short time to both operations even though the other operation, which is KMR, is not necessarily affected.

Four Arrows Mining is applying the short-time on all RDT, ADT, Excavator and Face Shovels operators, and those are the production people. This short-time cut currently amounts to a 25% cut of the monthly salaries of the employees (they apply by 2 days unpaid at UMK and 3 days unpaid at KMR).

During the consultation regarding the same matter, the NUM Kimberley Region tried without success to encourage the company to exercise patience by allowing a thorough and proper consultation process with employees.

Four Arrows Mining decided to ignore the NUM’s reasonable request to continue consulting before applying the short-time process. The NUM views such behaviour as arrogant and bullying.

Surprisingly, the Kudumane Manganese Resources is busy buying new machines which are to be used for production purposes and building new workshops.

As a result of such arrogant attitude and behaviour, the NUM decided to take the matter to the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) for proactive intervention. The case is therefore scheduled to be heard tomorrow (11 September 2023).

The NUM Kimberley Region is well prepared and ready to fight tooth and nail for the rights of all workers employed at the company.

For more detailed information, please contact:
Mosepedi Sanane, NUM Kimberly Regional Secretary, 060 569 2598

The National Union of Mineworkers
7 Rissik Street.
Cnr Frederick Johannesburg
Tel: 011 377 2111 Cell: 083 809 3257
Twitter: @Num_Media



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Address: 7 Rissik Street, Johannesburg

Contact Person: Thenji Phoko


Fax: 018 464-1593

Telephone: 011 377 2198/9


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