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NUM members to fully participate in a strike action tomorrow at Agrico in Lichtenburg, North West Province

Press Statement, 11 November 2020

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) Matlosana Region will tomorrow take on the farming equipment manufacturing factory, Agrico, head-on as members will fully participate in a planned strike action aimed at forcing the company to change its stinking attitude towards workers.

Agrico continues to discriminate against workers according to their race and gender. Workers are still regularly exposed to racism and xenophobia at the company.

The company’s unknown phobia towards NUM would be challenged. The NUM calls upon the Department of Labour to consider an unannounced visit to Agrico as more than 50% of the workforce got injured while at work. Those poor workers, up to today, have not received any compensation.

The Department of Labour should act harshly against the company because workers are being exploited day-in-day-out.

Workers are willing to go back to work stations provided the employer agrees to the following demands:

1. Full recognition of NUM representation at the company level
2. Implementation of 8% wage agreement
3. Living out allowance, transportation and shift allowance
4. Safety representation at workplace

We will not succumb to the stinking arrogance of monopoly capital that continues to exploit the resources of the country for the benefit of the few.

For more information, Please contact:

Masibulele Naki: NUM Matlosana Regional Secretary: 073 333 7745
Jantjie Kaodi: NUM Matlosana Regional Organiser: 063 695 6252

7 Rissik Street.
Cnr Frederick,
Johannesburg 2001
Tel: 011 377 2111

Twitter: @Num Media


Get In Touch

Address: 7 Rissik Street, Johannesburg

Contact Person: Thenji Phoko


Fax: 018 464-1593

Telephone: 011 377 2198/9


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