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NUM response to Section 189 consultation for senior executives at Eskom

Press statement, 07 November 2018

NUM response to Section 189 consultation for senior executives at Eskom

The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) is flabbergasted to learn that the struggling Eskom is engaging its senior executives on a Section 189 process. The Labour Relations Act (LRA) requires that if affected workers are members of the union, the union must be consulted on behalf of its members. The NUM has not received any notification of Section 189 wherein Eskom contemplates operational dismissals.

"The NUM demand that this Thuma Mina Board must consult within parameters of the law. Section 189 (1) is categorically clear that if Eskom contemplates dismissing workers on operational requirements, it must apply for Section 189 for consultation with the NUM for engagement in a meaningful consensus-seeking process in order to avoid or minimise dismissals," said Paris Mashego, NUM Energy Sector Coordinator

"We are still awaiting discussion on the new Eskom business model that is aimed at curbing cost and revamping Eskom dwindling revenue. The current discussions which we rejected are romanticizing privatisation of Eskom into three entities. We also rejected Eskom stance that restructuring is informed by none accountability by workers at all levels. Eskom should not be privatised, Managers must manage the business without fear or favour," Mashego added.

We demand that Eskom must present their new business model and consult the NUM on its intention of dismissing workers. Eskom must stop this illegal process and refrain from engaging NUM through media.

For more information, please contact:

Paris Mashego: NUM Energy Sector Coordinator: 079 517 1758

The National Union of Mineworkers
7 Rissik Street.
Cnr Frederick Johannesburg
Tel: 011 377 2111 Cell: 083 809 3257
Twitter: @Num_Media


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